Personal Life Coach… in a box!

Thinking further about what I want consumers to really get out of purchasing this product goes back to empowerment and wellness.

For me, making is empowering and gives me confidence. However, this may only be one small part in most people’s lives (including my own), in finding balance and happiness within your life.

Achieving balance in your life is one of the toughest things, since you only are just ONE person. What if you had a team of people coaching you through aspects of your life? What defines your wellness?

I was brainstorming earlier today and came up with this list:


Each section of wellness would have an “expert” behind it, working with me to help figure out monthly plans depending on age, gender (if that’s your thing), kind of transition, what aspect of your life do you need to work on the most.

This way, each month you get help from someone who knows a lot about the field. Get a personalized letter of encouragement, or interact with them through social media!

The connection to a real person will give you more security in finding balance within your life.

I am currently seeking out these “experts” to help me further along this project.


Now read this

What’s Missing

After going through various products I could find (let me know if you find any more boxes that i should look into!), there are two (more concise) ideas that come to mind. Both ideas would provide services that I haven’t seen before, and... Continue →